Thursday, December 22, 2011

Grocery Shopping, Vegan Style

Well, there's nothing like reading Skinny Bitch to kick your ass back in gear. Man did I stray. Ya know, I'm human - I make mistakes...I have cravings. But all it takes is one moment for me to actually think about whats going into my mouth to get me back to where I need to be. For the past two months, I unfortunately had reverted back to vegetarian. I ate cheese. Gross, I know.

Today's REAL SIMPLE shopping list included:
bananas, strawberries, pineapple, mango


Earth Balance butter, So Delicious soy yogurt, Simply Orange juice, Tofutti cream cheese

So Delicious ice cream bars

MaraNatha almond butter, organic raspberry jelly, pasta sauce, Ezekiel 4:9 bread and english muffins, organic caffeine-free tea.

i bought numerous Amy's soups, you can look at the ingredients and it will say INGREDIENTS (VEGAN): then list, thats how ya know.

Newman's Own - fig newmans

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